리좀과 하이퍼텍스트 관점에서 본 도서관 공간구조의 이해

A Study on the Transition of Spatial Structure in Libraries with Special Reference to Rhizome and Hypertext

  • 최윤경 (중앙대학교 건축학부) ;
  • 김민중 ((주)희림종합건축사사무소, 중앙대학교 대학원 건축학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


The spatial property of contemporary library is now rapidly changing through the spatial expansion of knowledge and information, the reduction of information storing facility, the variation of approaching methods by digital shift and the transition of social recognition as a cultural facility. Also the spatial characteristics with referring characters have developed such as, decentralization, de-construction, de-boundary, individual space, erasing of boundary, flow of space which extends infinitely. The main process of library origination, the systematic classification, and the storage system concluding with the demand and value of the information by changing social demands and the role of the widest ranged facility. And 5 themes, such as, hierarchy, center, storage, boundary, and symbol, as a changed spatial concept and analyzed in the case of library plans and libraries which are actually built. The significant purpose of this research is to propose that rhizomatous intellectuality and hypertext could be a theoretical background of the contemporary architecture and could be a viewpoint of the transition of spatial structure in libraries. A future library should have spatial property embracing various social changes and needs and for this respect, it is necessary to approach and analyze through the architectural explication from diverging points of view.



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