A Study on the Comparison with Aldo Rossi and Rem Koolhaas about Collective Memory in Space Design - Focused on the Criticism of Rafael Moneo -

공간 디자인에 있어 집합적 기억에 관한 알도 로시와 렘쿨하스의 비교 연구 - 라파엘 모네오의 비평을 중심으로

  • 임종엽 (인하대학교 건축학부) ;
  • 이홍 (인하대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2006.12.31


The purpose of this study is to present possibility about applying space design of urban theory focused on collective memory. Urban which is the final data of human's collective life has been recognized creative circumstances human collective is living. It can not think without collective from its motivation to problem of form as well as building as element which compose these cities. It is to recognize essential attribute of construction in the collective that think architecture with urban, and It means that recognize actuality of architecture that can talk as the most collective product that represent human. There was discussion for collective and urban. But, this problem was proceeded to clear human knowledge of architecture mainly in other discipline, and even if speak as field of architecture, it could just pass confined meaning by refering at process that clear several main aspects of architecture as doing not pass over more than it. Problem of form that is ultimate aspect of architecture remained by different thing still doing not combine with collective architecture, and occasionally happened the case that make collective of architecture and relation of form overly incommodiously reducing form by a tool for diagram, shape, figuration in the aspect of collective. This research study concept for memory collective in the urban and collective of architecture, and choose urban planning methodology and their work by specific example between Aldo Rosi and Rem Koolhaas dealing with architecture and urban, and present possibility about space design of urban.



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