Ultrasound Backscattering from Erythrocyte Aggregation of Human, Horse and Rat Blood under Rotational Flow in a Cylindrical Chamber

  • Nam, Kweon-Ho (Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Biomedical Engineering, Cheju National University) ;
  • Paeng, Dong-Guk (Marine Industrial Engineering, Cheju National University) ;
  • Choi, Min-Joo (Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Medicine, Cheju National University)
  • Published : 2006.12.30


Human, horse and rat bloods in a cylindrical chamber where flow was controlled by a stirring magnet were used for studying red blood cell aggregation. Ultrasound backscattered powers from blood were obtained from the backscattered signals measured by a 5 MHz focused transducer in a pulse-echo setup. The experimental results showed the differences in red blood cell (RBC) aggregation tendency among the three mammalian species with an order of horse > human > rat. The ultrasound backscattered power decreased with stirring speed in human and horse blood, but no variations were observed in rat blood. Sudden flow stoppage led to the slow increase of the backscattered power for human and horse blood. There was no self-aggregation tendency in rat blood. The enveloped echo images showed the spatial and temporal variations of RBC aggregations in the cylindrical chamber. These observations from the different mammalian species may give a better understanding of the mechanism of RBC aggregation.



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