Preparation of Organic Dye-Inorganic Silica Hybrid Pigment and It's Application for Inkjet Dispersion Ink

유기 염료-무기 실리카 하이브리드 안료의 제조와 분산잉크로서 응용

  • Published : 2006.07.27


Studies were performed on preparation of organic-inorganic hybrid silica dye in a dispersing ink system. The silica was subjected to surface modification using 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) in order to promote the chemical reactivity of the raw silica. On the surfaces of the aminosilane-functionalised silica, red vinylsulfone-containing azo dye was adsorbed. The dye was found to have chemically reacted with the aminosilane-grafted silica surface, which was proven by FT-IR spectra. Studies on morphology and microstructure were performed employing scanning electron microscopy. The SEM micrographs and particle size distributions showed that a homogeneous pigment can be obtained employing silica as a core. Particle size distribution was also examined using the technique of dynamic light scattering. The ensuing pigment was subjected to various physicochemical evaluation such as inkjet property, storage stability, color change as inkjet ink using printer, spectrophotometric, microscopic techniques. Studies on hybrid dyes from the silica surface demonstrated that, in general, stable pigments for inkjet dispersion ink were obtained.



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