A Study of Speech Control Tags Based on Semantic Information of a Text

텍스트의 의미 정보에 기반을 둔 음성컨트롤 태그에 관한 연구

  • 장문수 (서경대학교 소프트웨어학과) ;
  • 정경채 (서경대학교 컴퓨터과학과) ;
  • 강선미 (서경대학교 컴퓨터과학과)
  • Published : 2006.12.01


The speech synthesis technology is widely used and its application area is also being broadened to an automatic response service, a learning system for handicapped person, etc. However, the sound quality of the speech synthesizer has not yet reached to the satisfactory level of users. To make a synthesized speech, the existing synthesizer generates rhythms only by the interval information such as space and comma or by several punctuation marks such as a question mark and an exclamation mark so that it is not easy to generate natural rhythms of people even though it is based on mass speech database. To make up for the problem, there is a way to select rhythms after processing language from a higher level information. This paper proposes a method for generating tags for controling rhythms by analyzing the meaning of sentence with speech situation information. We use the Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) [4] which analyzes the meaning of sentence with speech situation information considering the sentence prior to the given one, the situation of a conversation, the relationship among people in the conversation, etc. In this study, we generate Semantic Speech Control Tag (SSCT) by the result of SFG's meaning analysis and the voice wave analysis.
