A Study on the Publication of Buddhist Books in the Region of Yangju

양주지역(楊州地域) 불서(佛書) 간행(刊行)에 관한 연구(硏究)

  • Published : 2006.12.30


This study aims to explicate the properties of the existing xylographic books in Buddhism published in the old region of Yangju. Gyeonggi-do by investigating them and carrying out the analyses of them. For this, we have investigated, in addition to literature and xylographic bibles, Buddhist books which are now possessed by principal libraries and temples in Yangju. 99 kinds of Buddhist books had been published by 14 temples at the region of Yangju. It is in the late Chosun that Buddhist books in the region of Yangju were actively published. Bulamsa has published the greatest amount of 53 kinds of books. we can and out that Buddhist bibles were actively published, and uncanonical books and Esoteric Buddhist bibles with strong characteristics of worldly benedictions and Praja-Paramita emphasizing the thought of emptiness. As for publishing methods, 85 kinds of books were xylographic and 14 kinds of books were published with wooden types. There were direct and indirect supports from the ruling class on most of the temples that published Buddhist books. Temples happened to co-publish Buddhist books.

이 연구는 조선시대 경기도(京畿道) 양주지역(楊州地域)에서 간행된 불서의 현존하는 판본을 조사, 분석하여 특징을 밝히는 데 목적이 있다. 고서소장목록과 목판을 조사결과 총 99종의 불서가 14개 사찰에서 간행되었던 것으로 나타났다. 분석결과 시기적으로 조선후기 간행이 활발하였으며 불암사본이 53종으로 가장 많았으며, 간행불서의 성격은 위경, 밀교, 반야계통의 경전이 주류를 이루었고, 판종별로는 목판본이 85종, 목활자본이 14종으로 파악되었다.



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