• Kim, Hyeon-Sik (Graduate Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Engrg. Res. Ctr., Colorado State Univ.) ;
  • Julien Pierre Y. (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Engrg. Res. Ctr., Colorado State Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2006.01.01


The Imha watershed is vulnerable to severe erosion due to the topographical characteristics such as mountainous steep slopes. Sediment inflow from upland area has also deteriorated the water quality and caused negative effects on the aquatic ecosystem of the Imha reservoir. The Imha reservoir was affected by sediment-laden density currents during the typhoon 'Maemi' in 2003. The RUSLE model was combined with GIS techniques to analyze the mean annual erosion losses and the soil losses caused by typhoon 'Maemi'. The model is used to evaluate the spatial distribution of soil loss rates under different land uses. The mean annual soil loss rate and soil losses caused by typhoon 'Maemi' were predicted as 3,450 tons/km2/year and 2,920 ton/km2/'Maemi', respectively. The sediment delivery ratio was determined to be about 25% from the mean annual soil loss rate and the surveyed sediment deposits in the Imha reservoir in 1997. The trap efficiency of the Imha reservoir was calculated using the methods of Julien, Brown, Brune, and Churchill and ranges from 96% to 99%.



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