디지털 컨버전스 인프라로서의 NgN 환경에서 인터넷 산업구조 : ISP, CP, CDN 사업자간 경쟁을 중심으로

Study on the Internet Industry Structure under the NgN Regime-Competitive Landscape of ISPs, CPs, and CDNs

  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


ITU-T's NgN(Next generation Network) architecture is expected to offer a new Internet platforms such as QoS(Quality of Service) guaranteed services as it overcame the limitations of the existing best-effort Internet architecture. However, policy development crucial for the NgN framework(e.g., interconnections and billing) is lagging far behind technology development. For example, arguments over network neutrality clearly indicate little understanding of the Internet industry structure where diverse providers including ISP and CP coexist. This study employs a network economics approach to predict how the competitive landscape involving various providers will evolve under the traffic-based billing system under the NgN environment. Applied is the non-cooperative game theory, in particular, Stackelberg's repeated game in order to build and analyze model for competition among those providers. We also studied possible impacts that CPs would have on the competitive landscape if they have an option to replace ISP: i.e., CDN(Content Delivery Network) provider. Lastly, based on the model analysis and experiments, presented are their implications to policy development and tile future prospect.



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