웹 이용자의 접속 정보 분석을 통한 웹 활용 그래프의 구성 및 분석

An Analysis on the Web Usage Pattern Graph Using Web Users' Access Information

  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


There are many kinds of research on web graph, most of them are focus on the hyperlinked structure of the web graph. Well known results on the web graph are rich-get-richer phenomenon, small-world phenomenon, scale-free network, etc. In this paper, we define 3 new directed web graph, so called the Web Usage Pattern Graph (WUPG), that nodes represent web sites arid arcs between nodes represent a movement between two sites by users' browsing behavior. The data to constructing the WUPG, approximately 56,000 records, are gathered from some users' PCs. The results analysing the data summarized as follows : (i) extremely rich-get-richer phenomenon (ii) average path length between sites is significantly less than the previous one (iii) less external hyperlinks, more internal hyperlinks.



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