The Effect of the 'Chemistry in Everyday Life' Course for Pre-service Elementary Teachers on noir Beliefs regarding Science Teaching Efficacy and the Nature of Science

생활속의 화학' 강좌가 예비 초등교사의 과학교수 효능감과 과학의 본성에 대한 신념에 미치는 효과

  • Published : 2006.11.30


This study investigated the effect of the 'Chemistry in everyday life' course for 234 pre-service elementary teachers on their beliefs regarding science teaching efficacy and the nature of science. This study also examined the effect of this particular course by their field (natural science, humanities & social science, and fine arts). The results show that after the semester the pre-service teachers' science teaching efficacy beliefs were enhanced. In particular, their personal science teaching efficacy beliefs were improved across all fields. However, their beliefs regarding the nature of science remained largely unchanged. This study discussed the implications surrounding science courses for pre-service teachers.
