수학교사의 확률과 통계에 대한 지식과 신념

Mathematics teachers' knowledge and belief on the high school probability and statistics

  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


This work aims to investigate mathematics teachers' knowledge and belief on the high school probability and statistics. For this aim, two research questions are estabilished as follows. (1) How is mathematics teachers' knowledge on the main contents of the high school probability and statistics in the 7th mathematics curriculum? (2) What is mathematics teachers' belief on the high school probability and statistics? Survey and interviews were carried out to answer the above research questions. Subjects of the survey were 2 7mathematics teachers who were answered to questionnaire. Among them, 3 volunteers were chosen by provinces for in-depth interview. Research findings in mathematics teacher's knowledge are as follows. Firstly, mathematics teachers do not have much of mathematical knowledge on the newly added and changed contents of the high school probability and statistics in the 7th mathematics curriculum. Secondly, mathematics teachers do not change their teaching-learning method for probability and statistics. Thirdly, many teachers think that the use of technology and reconstruction of the textbooks are required in teaching and learning of the high school probability and statistics. But, they stick on their own way. Research findings in mathematics teachers' belief are as follows. Firstly, many mathematics teachers view the nature of statistics as a branch of the applied mathematics and put the value of high school probability and statistics on the practical usefulness, Secondly, many mathematics teachers think that understanding concepts and improving problem solving ability are the best method of the teaching and learning. Thirdly, many mathematics teachers think that high school probability and statistics textbooks should cause motivations and interests in order not to give up studying probability and statistics. It is expected that the above findings can be used to change teachers' teaching and learning methods and to improve teachers training program.
