The Evaluation on In-Situ Adaptability of Mono-layer Landfill Final Cover System

단층형 매립지 최종복토시스템의 현장 적용성 평가

  • 유찬 (경상대학교 지역환경기반공학과(농업생명과학연구원)) ;
  • 윤성욱 (경상대학교 대학원)
  • Published : 2006.09.30


The mono-layer cover system is composed of soils only as a filling material and various plants are planted on the surface to control the water balance in the cover system. In this paper, the mono-layer cover system was considered as an alternative landfill final cover system and developed a model that could utilize industrial by-product (especially, coal ash & phosphogypsum) as additive filling materials. The mixture of granite soil, coal ash, and phosphogypsum was placed as a cover material in a box constructed with cement. Laboratory tests were carried out to investigate the environmental effect on the utilization of coal ash & phosphogypsum and to determine the mxing ratio of each materials. In the leaching test, all materials showed lower heavy metal concentration than the threshold values of regulation. The optimum mixing ratio of materials which was applied to field model test was determined to soil (4) : coal ash (1) : phosphogypsum (1) on the volume base. Field model tests were continued from February to July, 2004 in the soil box that was constructed with cement block. It was verified that coal ash and phospogypsum mixed with soil was to be safe environmentally and the water balance of mono-layer cover system was reasonable.



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