프라이 오토의 '자연적 구조'의 건축적 이념에 관한 연구

A Study on the architectural Idea of 'the natural Construction' of Frei Otto

  • 이란표 (배재대학교 건축학부 실내건축학)
  • 발행 : 2006.10.31


Frei Otto, who is called to be the father of the ecological architecture, has shaped a peculiar architectural form style. In distance from the formalistic persistence to the modernist form canon and the postmodern tendencies to the self-representation of architects, Frei Otto has taken a more fundamentalistic position. Through the interdisciplinary researches on the self-organizing processes in the nature and the technical world Frei Otto could reason with architects, engineers, biologists, historians and philosophers the principle and structure of the natural construction that is applicable to the morphological research and the architectural construction research. In the middle of his architectural and scientific works is the idea of 'the natural construction' situated, and the basic principle and instrument of this 'Die Prinzip der Selbstbildung, The Principle of Self-making'. Founding himself on this principle, Frei Otto seeks after the new architectural form that is light, natural, flexible and variable by reasoning the typical formation process which refers to the common denominator of the self-making processes in the nature, the technique and the architecture. Despite his architecture is to be called to the anonymous, his architectural vision is headed toward the rationalistic form in accord with the natural laws. This study is purposed to elucidate the constellation to which his scientific attempts belong and the theoretical and methodological foundations of his architecture of 'the natural construction'.



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