Effects of Fashion Involvement and Hedonic Consumption on Impulse Buying -Comparison of Korean and American Young Consumers-

패션관여, 쾌락적 소비가 충동구매에 미치는 영향 -한국과 미국 소비자의 비교-

  • Park, Eun-Joo (Division of Clothing & Textiles, Dong-A University)
  • 박은주 (동아대학교 생활과학대학 의상섬유학부)
  • Published : 2006.10.31


Technologies such as television shopping channels and the internet expand consumers' impulse purchasing opportunities. The interest in national differences of consumer behavior was growing and highlighted the importance of understanding the national context of consumer behavior in an increasing globalized marketplace. The purposes of this study were to examine the effects of fashion involvement and hedonic consumption on impulse buying for Korean and American young consumers, and to compare the differences between two groups. A questionnaire was developed from literatures reviewed. Data were obtained from students attending universities in Korea(N=413) and the U.S.(N=290). Using structural equation modeling, the results indicated that the proposed model of this study was appropriate to explain the effects of fashion involvement and hedonic consumption on impulse buying for Korean and American young consumers. The model showed that fashion involvement and hedonic consumption played important roles in triggering impulse buying for two groups. In addition, American consumers were more likely to influence fashion involvement and hedonic consumption on impulse buying than Korean consumers. The results provided some insights into globalized retail marketing theory supporting the national aspects of impulse buying. Future research and managerial implications are addressed.



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