소생거부(Do-Not-Resuscitate: DNR)의 개념분석

Concept Analysis of DNR(Do-Not-Resuscitate)

  • 발행 : 2006.10.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze and clarify the ambiguous concept of DNR, and to distinguish between DNR and euthanasia. Method: This study used the process of Walker & Avant's concept analysis. Result: The definable attributes of DNR were care for comfort, no further treatment and no CPR. The antecedents of DNR were the autonomy of patients and families feelings about death, the uselessness of treatment and the right to die with dignity. The process of the DNR decision should be documented and the antecedents of DNR also can be a basis for objective standards of DNR decision-making. The result of DNR was the acceptance of death by patients and families. Conclusion: DNR is decided and documented by the antecedents of DNR, and the result is a natural acceptance of death, the last process of human life. Hospice care should be activated and nurses must be patient's advocates and families' supporters in the process.



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