교차검증을 이용한 SVM 전력수요예측

SVM Load Forecasting using Cross-Validation

  • 조남훈 (숭실대 공대 전기공학부)
  • 발행 : 2006.11.01


In this paper, we study the problem of model selection for Support Vector Machine(SVM) predictor for short-term load forecasting. The model selection amounts to tuning SVM parameters, such as the cost coefficient C and kernel parameters and so on, in order to maximize the prediction performance of SVM. We propose that Cross-Validation method can be used as a model selection algorithm for SVM-based load forecasting technique. Through the various experiments on several data sets, we found that the difference between the prediction error of SVM using Cross-Validation and that of ideal SVM is less than 5%. This shows that SVM parameters for load forecasting can be efficiently tuned by using Cross-Validation.



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