유전자 알고리즘과 학습제어를 이용한 이족보행 로봇의 지능 제어기 구현

Implementation of an Intelligent Controller for Biped Walking Robot using Genetic Algorithm and Learning Control

  • 고재원 (유한대학 컴퓨터제어과) ;
  • 임동철 (성균관대 공대 전자전기공학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


This paper proposes a method that minimizes the consumed energy by searching the optimal locations of the mass centers of the biped robot's links using Genetic Algorithm. This paper presents a learning controller for repetitive gait control of the biped robot. The learning control scheme consists of a feedforward learning nile and linear feedback control input for stabilization of learning system. The feasibility of learning control to the biped robotic motion is shown via computer simulation and experimental results with 24 DOF biped walking robot.



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