모델 재사용을 위한 모델변환 접근방법

  • 발행 : 2006.11.06




  1. Classification of Model Transformation Approaches, Krzytof Czarnecki and Simon Helsen, OOPSLA'03
  2. Wein Evaluation of UML Model Transformation Tools. Wensheng Wang, Jun, 2005
  3. A Model-Driven Approach to Non-Functional Analysis of Software Architectures, James Skene and Wolfgang Emmerich, ASE'03
  4. MOF 2.0 Query / Views / Transformation RFP, OMG, 2002
  5. MDA Explained, The model driven architecture: practice and promise, Kleppe, Warmer, Bast, Addison-Wesley, 2002
  6. Model Driven Architecture, David S. Frankel, OMG Press, 2002
  7. Framework for model transformation and code generation, Jon Oldevik, Arnor Solberg, Brian Elvesater, Arne J.Berre, EDOC'02
  8. Model-Integrated Development of Embedded Software, Gabor Karsal, Janos Sztipanovits, Akos Ledeczi, Ted Bapty, Proceeding of the IEEE Vol.91, No1, 2003
  9. http://umt-qvt.sourceforge.net