잠제의 해빈침식 방지 기능에 관한 수치적 연구

Numerical Analysis on the Beach Erosion Prevention Capability of Submerged Breakwaters

  • 발행 : 2006.09.30


The purpose of this research is to examine the beach erosion prevention capability of submerged breakwaters under wave energy condition. To accomplish this objective, the computational domain was divided into two do-mains : the large and the detailed domain for the Song-Do beach. For each computational domain, numerical models for calculating transformation, wave induced current and beach erosion were used and also these numerical models were carefully applied to three experimental cases such as 1) the present beach condition, 2) the condition for which submerged breakwaters are installed about 240m from the shoreline of beach enlarged by artificial nourishments. The results of this research show that if storm waves attack the present beach, the erosion occurs widely all over the beach. However, when the submerged breakwaters are installed in addition to the artificial nourishments, storm waves can be adequately controlled and strong wave induced currents occur only around the submerged breakwaters resulting in the beach evolution appearing locally only at the western end of the beach.



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