Cytolytic Effects of an Adenoviral Vector Containing L-Plastin Promoter Regulated E1A in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells

  • 발행 : 2006.09.25


We have previously reported that 2.4 kb of L-plastin promoter (LP) could regulate the expression of adenoviral vector (AV) exogenous genes in a tumor cell specific manner. In the present study, we tested if the replication competent AdLPE1A vector results in a direct cytotoxic effect in hepatocelluar carcinoma (HCC) cells. In vitro cytotoxicity tests were carried out with replication-competent (AdLPE1A) and -incompetent (AdLPCD) LP-driven vectors. AdLPE1A is an AV in which LP was inserted 5' to the E1A and E1B genes. The AdLPCD vector contains LP and the E. coli cytosine deaminase (CD) gene in transcription unit. Exposure of cells to AdLPE1A generated a significant cytotoxic effect as compared to the control. Almost 90% of the cell had manifested the characteristic cytopatic effect on day 9 after infection of cells with 10 MOI of AdLPE1A. On the other hand, almost 35% of the cells were left when the cells had been treated with 100 MOI of AdLPCD together with 5-FC on day 9 when compared with the cells which had never been exposed neither 5-FC nor AdLPCD. These results showed that the replication competent AdLPE1A vector could kill the HepG2 cells directly by the oncolytic effect of the virus. The replication competent AV vector carrying viral E1A generated greater cytotoxic effect than the replication incompetent AV, which contains the CD prodrug activation transcription unit without E1A, in HepG2 cells.



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