국내 비체인 특급 호텔과 외국계 체인 특급 호텔 조리.식음료 종사원의 직무만족도 비교 분석

Job Satisfaction of Employees in F&B Department: Domestic Independent Deluxe Hotel vs. International Chain Deluxe Hotel

  • 이소정 (펜실베니아주립대학교 호스피텔러티경영대학) ;
  • 명미선 (밀레니엄 서울힐튼호텔) ;
  • 양일선 (연세대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이해영 (상지대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.28


The purposes of this study were to measure the job satisfaction levels of F&B(Food & Beverage) personnel in hotel by using JDI(Job Descriptive Index), to investigate relationships between demographic variables or job type and job satisfaction, to determine the relative importance of the five facets and to identify the effects of job satisfaction on turnover intention by hotel. Questionnaire was developed and distributed to 660 employees who are currently working in food & beverage department of hotel A (Domestic independent deluxe hotel) and hotel B(international chain deluxe hotel). A total of 498 questionnaires were usable; resulting in 75.5% response rate. The survey was conducted between March 16 to 27, 2000. As a result of analysis on job satisfaction, total JDI score was 136.57 out of full mark 210. Personnel of Hotel A was more satisfied significantly with work itself (p<.01), supervision (p<.001), co-worker (p<.01), total JDI (p<.001) than those of hotel B. Total JDI and work itself score were higher on employees of front of the house than those of back of the house in both of hotels. Payroll was the most important facet on job satisfaction. Finally, work itself (p<.001) and payroll (p<.05) had a significant effect on turnover intention in hotel A and work itself (p<.001), supervision (p<.05) and promotion (p<.05) did in hotel B. The findings indicated the necessity of human resource management apt to the vision of enterprise and the organizational culture.



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