중국 조선족의 한국전통음식 인식유형의 변화 추이와 명절음식 선호도

Perceptional Trend and Preference for Korean Traditional Holiday Food of China-Korean in Yanbian Area

  • 발행 : 2006.02.28


The purpose of this study was to identify the perceptional patterns of Korean traditional food for China-Korean housewives in Yanbian area and to compare the preference for traditional food of Korean national holidays between the perceptional patterns. Data were collected from 261 China-Korean housewives in the Yanbian area and cluster analysis was used. The results revealed two different patterns, i.e., tradition-oriented vs. modem-oriented. Descriptive statistics showed that perceptional patterns were likely to vary depending on socio-demographic background. Also, perceptional patterns were significantly related with the preference of traditional food of national holidays i.e., new years day, first full moon of January, thanksgiving day, han-shik (the 105th day after the winter solstice), and dong-gi (the coldest winter solstice). Similarities and differences in perceptional patterns as well as preference of traditional food of national holidays were discussed, and future implications for food nutritionists and Asia marketers were provided.



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