The clinical review of ptosis

  • Hong, Kwon-Eui (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Traditional Korean Medicine, Daejon University)
  • Published : 2006.02.28


Objectives : This paper aims to report the clinical effectiveness of acupuncture & herbal treatment on ptosis, which has no way to be treated but the operative method like a tarsectomy. Methods : This study was carried out, from February 2003 to December 2003, to the twenty patients who were diagnosed as an acquired ptosis and treated by acupuncture and herbal treatment in the department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Daejon University Oriental Hospital. The selected acupoints were hasamhwang(下三黃) in normal side, BL 2, BL 60(崑崙), BL 66(通谷), ST 41(解谿), ST 44(內處), LI 4(合谷), LI 5(陽谿), guhu(球後), emi(魚尾) in abnormal side. The method of acupuncture insertion for each point was neutral(平補平瀉). The treatment frequency was once a day. And all patients were administered the Bojungikkitanggamibang(補中益氣揚加味方), which is known to be able to rise up the Gi of spleen(脾氣). Result & Suggestion : The treatment result showed that excellent was 95%(19) and poor was 5%(1). Through this result, we can know that oriental medical treatment for ptosis is effective. But continuous study about oriental medical treatment for ptosis is needed hereafter.



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