Concept of Constitution, Evaluative Norms and Prospect of Constitutional Theories

체질개념과 체질이론의 평가기준 설정 및 연구 전망

  • Chi, Gyoo-Yong (Department of Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 지규용 (동의대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실)
  • Published : 2006.08.25


In order to provide the methodology of researching constitutional theories, the original meaning and the source of the term, ti(體) and zhi(質) written in and other text were reviewed, and then components of constitution(體質) and some evaluative norms and prospect on constitutional theories were proposed. Ti(體) means body or 5 tissues or patterns of them and zhi(質) means quality in , so the temporary meaning of constitution was generally same with present one. But the temperament originated from Greek and Elizabethan era is thought that it corresponds with constitution, but it means generally body type and character and mental pathologic features. The fundamental requirements of constitutional theories are needed stability, creativity, clinical efficiency and reproductiveness for differentiating with classical diagnostics over the range of disease and aging of the subject. And heredity, universality and extensiveness were recommended as additional requirements for making level up the theories through long-term follow-up, and to evaluate these requirements detail items were proposed. More of these, weight rendering should be made respectively afterwards.



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