언남리유적 철제재갈의 제작기술

Manufacturing Technology of a Set of Iron Bit from Eonnam-ri Site

  • 정광용 (한국전통문화학교 보존화학과) ;
  • 이수희 (한국전통문화학교 보존화학과) ;
  • 정희원 (한국전통문화학교 보존화학과)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.27


A set of horse bit from the Eonnam-ri site consists of three parts, pyo , ham , andinsu , and each part takes a shape of a piece of bar. According to current typological study, the pyo is S type, the insu is two-braided line type, and the outer rim of the ham is double rim type, respectively. According to X-ray test, inlaid design seems to have been decorated on the whole surface of the iron bit, originally. However, inlaid pattern partially remained. While the part of bit stopper is designed with flame pattern, the part of rein joint is designed with cloud pattern. According to XRF and XGT analysis of inlaid material, the content of silver is not more than 50%. The line inlay method making grooves on the surface of iron, then in laying a silver thread into them, and grinding the surface in a direction was adoptedin the manufacture of the iron bit.
