국가경쟁력제고를 위한 SOC투자 방안

Infrastructure Investment for Enhancement of Global Competitiveness

  • 발행 : 2005.01.01


A recent study conducted by KOTI reported that regional and urban read congestion costs in Korea are continually rising in the ranges between 3.1% thru 4.1% of GDP in the every respective year during the past 10 years. The report explicates that the congestion problem has motivated sharp raise of the logistics expenditure from 4.4% of GDP in the year of 1998 to 16% in the year of 2003. Even though, the government has allotted annual budget in the ranges between 2.7% and 3.7% of GDP to the SOC investment for the consecutive years of past decade, the amounts are however far less and insufficient to meet with social requirements and its demands. The cost of logistics has been excessively went up much higher rate than that of other industries and that of 9.6% in Japan and United States respectively It is obvious that the high logistics cost could be a detrimental factor to fierce emulation with others in the global trade market. Therefore it is an essential matter to eliminate or exclude all the probable sources that might cause or create extra costs on logistics. In consideration of such situation in Korea, the SOC investment with private capital could be a best cogitable scheme to acquire its prompt demand solutions and stimulate the emulation ability in the international trade market what's more betterment for all of our quality life in the near future.
