Stain removal on ivory using cyclododecane as a hydrophobic sealing agent

  • 이현숙 (숙명여자대학교 박물관)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.30


Stain removal on ivory has been, for a long time, considered an undesirable treatment in conservation field because ivory is hygroscopic and anisotropic, having different physical properties in different directions. Cyclododecane, which sublimes at room temperature, has been investigated for its use in conservation field since 1995, as a reversible temporary consolidant, sealing agent or coating, water repellent, and barrier layer. This research aims to remove stains on ivory, temporarily protecting the none-stained area or painted area from methanol, acetone or the aqueous cleaning system using cyclododecane as a hydrophobic sealing agent. This research also aims to obtain information regarding whether cyclododecane can be safely and effectively used on archaeological wet ivory. Melted cyclododecane and saturated solutions of cyclododecane in mineral spirits, and hexanes were applied to ivory samples. Application methods, working properties of cyclododecane on ivory, and effect of cyclododecane coating on moisture content of wet ivory were evaluated. The sealing layer formed by molten cyclododecane or by saturated cyclododecane solution in hexane or saturated cyclododecane solution in mineral spirits did not form a secure contact with the surface of the highly polished ivory. The sealing formed with two different layers, in which saturated cyclododecane solution in hexane was applied initially and then molten cyclododecane was applied over the first layer, was found to securely protect the painted area. When the wet samples were kept in 100% RH environments for a month, active mold growths were observed except in the samples sealed with molten cyclododecane. In conclusion, cyclododecane was an efficient hydrophobic sealing agent to protect painting area while cleaning stains on ivory. It also prevented mold growing on wet ivory and wet bone. Evenness of cyclododecane film on ivory will be determined in UV light. Analytical techniques will include visual observation, polarized light microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscope, and Gas Chromatography.
