Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry (생물정신의학)
- Volume 12 Issue 2
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- Pages.221-226
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- 2005
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- 1225-8709(pISSN)
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- 2005-7571(eISSN)
OROS Methylphenidate Treatment of Secondary Adult ADHD after Traumatic Brain Injury
외상성 뇌손상 후 이차적으로 발생한 성인 주의력결핍 과잉행동장애에서 OROS Methylphenidate의 치료효과:증례 및 고찰
- Lim, Myung Ho (Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Dankook University) ;
- Lee, Woo Chul (Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Dankook University)
- Published : 2005.11.30
The incidence of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder secondary to the traumatic brain injury, such as traffic accidents, is increasing;the variety of the treatment modality is also increasing. This case was studied to see if OROS Methylphenidate(Concerta), which is one of the most commonly used medication in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder patients, not only improves the patient's attention, but also their impulsivity, hyperactivity and aggression. According to the case result, the medication showed an improvement of the impulsivity, aggression, and attention in the secondary Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder patients after the traumatic brain injury.
교통사고 등에 의한 외상성 뇌손상에서 이차적으로 주의력결핍 과잉행동장애가 나타나는 경우가 점차 증가하고 있으며, 이에따른 치료방법도 점차 다양화되고 있는 추세이다. 주의력결핍 과잉행동장애에서 많이 사용되어지는 OROS Methylphenidate를 환자에게 투여하여 인지적인 개선뿐만아니라 충동성, 산만함, 공격성 등의 증상에 효과가 있는지의 여부를 살펴보고자 하였다. 약물투여 전에 비하여 약물투여 후에 환자는 충동성, 공격성, 부주의의 개선효과를 나타내었다.