EMG 분석을 통한 요통환자의 스트레칭운동 프로그램 효과

The Effectiveness of Selected Stretching Exercise by Surface EMG on Backpain Patients

  • 발행 : 2005.06.30


We selected six kinds of stretching exercises that can be easily acquired and put to practical use by back pain patients and arranged the practicing order of the exercising method after measuring the % MlVC of the muscle power when a normal person was exercising with a surface EMG. Among the patients complaining of back pain, 20 case groups were given the selected exercise and physical therapy, and 20 control groups were only given a physical therapy. Before and 2 weeks, 4weeks, 6 weeks and 8 weeks after the exercise therapy, a muscle power was measured with a fitness machine and the effectiveness of the exercise was compared. After six weeks difference of the muscle power between the case group and control group was shown, and after 8weeks the case group manifested the stronger muscle power than that of the control group in both male and female. Exercising therapy clearly seems to be helpful in strengthening the muscle power of the back pain patients.



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