여자역도 인상종목의 경기력 결정요인 산출

Determination of Performance Determinant Factors in Snatch Weightlifting

  • 발행 : 2005.06.30


The Purpose of this study was to seek determinant factors through analysis of 65 snatch skill kinematic factors of Athletics participated in 2001 Asian weightlifting competetion. The conclusion were as follows ; 1. In order to enhance snatch skill, when barbell move on knee position, One should be flex knee joint to 105-110 degree, and In pull motion, One should be move powerful extension of knee and hip joint. 2. In last pull motion, One try to make more lock out motion than extra extention motion of hip joint 3. In order to enhance snatch skill, It is inportant that elevate barbell highly by last pull motion through powerful knee extention, poweful hip flextion and One should be make lock out motion fast in the same time. 4. In order to enhance snatch skill, anterior-posterior movement width of shoulder joint should be small. 5. In order to enhance snatch skill, Hip joint should be move vertically on start and lock out phase, but In pull phase, extension motion of hip joint shoulde be performed more largely and powerfully.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Development and Kinematic Evaluation for Training Method to Strengthen Part Motion of Snatch in Weight Lifting vol.21, pp.2, 2011,