CISG의 효과적인 활용을 위한 몇 가지 유의점

A Study on Some Attentiveness for Effective Application of CISG

  • 오세창 (계명대학교 경제통상대학 통상학부)
  • 발행 : 2005.05.30


This thesis is in focus on keeping int'l businessman in mind application of CISG to perform smoothly in the their oversea's trade in accordance with taking effect on ratification of it from first, March, 2005. First of all, they have to keep in mind that it is possible to fall within the sphere of application of CISG of their contracts made between parties whose places of business are in different countries or although they have their places of business in different contracting states, if rules of private int'l law imply or express to the application of law of contracting state. Therefore in order to avoid confusion about whether apply or not, it is necessary to customize application of CISG as a proper law of their contracts. If so, they can avoid problem of requirements as to forms and any other requirement as to forms. Secondly they must attend the use of the legislative history of CISG and the use of the int'l case law and various scholarly thesises that studied on CISG such as information of Institute of Int'l Commercial Law under School of Law, PACE University. If so, problems which can give a rise in connection with interpretation of a basic and important terminology of CISG will be successfully conquest. In addition to above mentioned attentiveness, they must keeping in mind that various problems in connection with application of provisions of CISG can give their oversea's business a obstacle. buy the way of precaution against this case, they have to collect and analyze various materials about CISG.
