바랙터 다이오드를 이용한 높은 격리도를 갖는 DIPLEXER 스위치에 관한 연구

A Study on the Diplexer Switch of High Isolation Using Varactor Diode

  • 강명수 (국민대 공대 전자정보통신공학과) ;
  • 박준석 (국민대 공대 전자정보통신공학과)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


In this paper, using diplexer structure and varactor diode controlled by reverse bias voltage for diplexer switch gives possibilities to improve isolation and current characteristics. 1 have newly designed switch with high isolation by application varactor diode corresponding to capacitor of diplexer. The low-pass filter for proposed tunable diplexer passes the microwave signal in the bandwidth for wireless cellular network systems and high-pass filter passes it in the bandwidth for wireless personal communication services (PCS) network systems. As the capacitance of the low-pass filter increases, the cut-off frequency can be moved to low frequency, so that the switch is on state in cellular bandwidth and off state in the PCS bandwidth, in contrast to, as the capacitance for attenuation characteristic of high-pass filter increases, it can be moved to high frequency, so that the switch is off state and on state in the cellular bandwidth. it is possible to improve isolation and current consumption characteristics by application diplexer design methods and varactor diode. 1 expect that the tunable diplexer circuit and design methods should be able to find applications on MMIC and low temperature copired ceramic (LTCC).



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