Parallel Video Processing Using Divisible Load Scheduling Paradigm

  • Suresh S. (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science) ;
  • Mani V. (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science) ;
  • Omkar S. N. (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science) ;
  • Kim H.J. (Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering Kwangwon National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.03.01


The problem of video scheduling is analyzed in the framework of divisible load scheduling. A divisible load can be divided into any number of fractions (parts) and can be processed/computed independently on the processors in a distributed computing system/network, as there are no precedence relationships. In the video scheduling, a frame can be split into any number of fractions (tiles) and can be processed independently on the processors in the network, and then the results are collected to recompose the single processed frame. The divisible load arrives at one of the processors in the network (root processor) and the results of the computation are collected and stored in the same processor. In this problem communication delay plays an important role. Communication delay is the time to send/distribute the load fractions to other processors in the network. and the time to collect the results of computation from other processors by the root processors. The objective in this scheduling problem is that of obtaining the load fractions assigned to each processor in the network such that the processing time of the entire load is a minimum. We derive closed-form expression for the processing time by taking Into consideration the communication delay in the load distribution process and the communication delay In the result collection process. Using this closed-form expression, we also obtain the optimal number of processors that are required to solve this scheduling problem. This scheduling problem is formulated as a linear pro-gramming problem and its solution using neural network is also presented. Numerical examples are presented for ease of understanding.



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