Experimental Verification for a Spiral-Jacketed Storage Tank Applied to Solar Thermal System

태양열 시스템에 적용된 나선재킷형 축열조의 실증실험

  • Kim Jin Hong (Graduate School, KyungHee University) ;
  • Choi Bong Su (Graduate School, KyungHee University) ;
  • Hong Hiki (School of Mechanical and Industrial System Engineering, KyungHee University) ;
  • Kim Yong-Shik (Deportment of Architectural Engineering, University of Incheon)
  • 김진홍 (경희대학교 대학원) ;
  • 최봉수 (경희대학교 대학원) ;
  • 홍희기 (경희대학교 기계산업시스템공학부) ;
  • 김용식 (인천대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2005.04.01


The simplification of solar thermal systems reduces the possibility of operating trouble and lowers the cost of the initial investment and maintenance. This also leads to increased competitiveness in the energy market. We proposed a spiral-jacketed storage tank that functions both as a heat exchanger and expansion tank, which removes the secondary piping and markedly simplifies the entire system. The new storage tank was designed and manufactured to maintain the same performance as the conventional system and the exiting system was remodelled by adopting the newly proposed storage tank. This experiment was conducted under real conditions over a period of several months. The retrofitted system with the spiral-jacketed storage tank showed good performance that is on a similar level as the previous system having a typical storage tank and heat exchanger.



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