조직화되지 않은 점군으로부터의 3차원 완전 형상 복원

Complete 3D Surface Reconstruction from Unstructured Point Cloud

  • 이일섭 (한국항공대학교 대학원 항공우주 및 기계공학부) ;
  • 김석일 (한국항공대학교 항공우주 및 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


In this study a complete 3D surface reconstruction method is proposed based on the concept that the vertices of surface model can be completely matched to the unstructured point cloud. In order to generate the initial mesh model from the point cloud, the mesh subdivision of bounding box and shrink-wrapping algorithm are introduced. The control mesh model for well representing the topology of point cloud is derived from the initial mesh model by using the mesh simplification technique based on the original QEM algorithm, and the parametric surface model for approximately representing the geometry of point cloud is derived by applying the local subdivision surface fitting scheme on the control mesh model. And, to reconstruct the complete matching surface model, the insertion of isolated points on the parametric surface model and the mesh optimization are carried out Especially, the fast 3D surface reconstruction is realized by introducing the voxel-based nearest-point search algorithm, and the simulation results reveal the availability of the proposed surface reconstruction method.



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