과테말라와 멕시코의 민속의상 위필(Huipil)에 관한 고찰

Traditional Clothes in Mexico and Guatemala

  • 김희정 (성신여자대학교 의류학과)
  • Kim Hee-Jung (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Sungshin Women's University)
  • 발행 : 2005.03.01


The purpose of the study was to determine ae forms, patterns and structures of Huipils as traditional clothes in Guatemala and Mexico, and to cite possibilities of applying the findings of the study, acquired by comparing the differences of the two countries' Huipils, to textile or costume design. There are two types of Huipils. One is for everyday wear and another one is for special occasion. The latter is bigger in size, more colorful and is worn on top of the daily use Huipil. Huipils consist of 1 to 3 panels, and are usually made by weaving rectangular cloth which has 4 selvedges. There are various neckline such as - type, T type, 1 type, round type and square type. The types of the neckline depends on how many panels are used. The Mexican Huipils are worn usually over skirts, whereas the Huipils of Guatemalans are practically designed with white cotton that doesn't have any patterns so as to be easily put into skirts. Different from Mexicans' Huipils which mainly show big botanical patterns, the patterns of Guatemalans' Huipils combine animals, plants and abstract concepts display mixed aspects, and it seems to me that that expressed their emotions and dearest wishes.



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