보리 붉은곰팡이병 검정법과 저항성 품종 선발

Establishment of Artificial Screening Methods and Evaluation of Barley Germplasms for Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight

  • 한옥규 (작물과학원 호남농업연구소) ;
  • 김정곤 (작물과학원 호남농업연구소)
  • Han Ouk-Kyu (Honam Agricultural Research Institute, NICS, RDA) ;
  • Kim Jung-Gon (Honam Agricultural Research Institute, NICS, RDA)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


이 실험은 보리의 붉은곰팡이병에 대한 정밀하고 효율성이 높은 검정체계를 확립하고, 이를 토대로 저항성 품종을 선발하고자 실시하였다. 이를 위해서 온$\cdot$습도 조절이 가능한 붉은곰팡이병 전용 습실 검정상을 제작하여 포트 재배한 식물체에 3개의 다른 접종시기별(출수기, 출수후 3일, 출수후 5일)로 SCK-O4 균주의 분생포자 현탁액 $5.0\times10^5$ macroconidia $mL^{-1}$를 각각 접종하고 4개의 다른 기간 동안 습실처리(1, 3, 5, 7일)를 하여 각 처리별 이병 정도를 평가하였다. 또한 절단이 삭검정법을 통한 대량검정법도 검토하였다. 1. 습실 검정상 내에서의 붉은곰팡이병 발병률은 접종시기에 따라 차이를 보이지 않았으나, 습실처리기간에 따라서는 유의한 차이를 보였다. 2.습실 검정상을 이용한 붉은곰팡이병의 저항성 검정은 출수기에 접종하고 습실 검정상 내에서 7일간 유지하여 판정하는 것이 가장 효율적이었다. 3. 포트검정법과 절단이삭검정법의 검정방법간 발병 정도는 고도로 유의한 정의 상관$(r=0.892^{***})$을 보였다. 4. 저항성 품종은 진광보리, 부흥, Atahualpha92, Chevron-b, Gobernadora-d 및 MNBrite-c 등이 선발되었으며, 이들 품종은 2개의 검정시기에서 일정한 저항성을 나타내었다.

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a severe disease problem that affects the quality and yield of barley grain. The evaluation of FHB resistance is difficult because environmental conditions greatly influence FHB infection and development. The objectives of this study were to: 1) establish an efficient screening method for selecting resistant barley to FHB, 2) compare FHB severity between the cut-spike method and pot-plant method for development of mass screening, and 3) estimate FHB resistance for barley germplasms. Barley cultivars and lines were evaluated for reaction to FHB in controlled-greenhouse condition. Spikes were spray-inoculated with a suspension $(5.0\times10^5\;macroconidia\;mL^{-1})$ of Fusarium graminearum SCK-O4 strain, and then kept in a greenhouse at $18-25^{\circ}C$ with $80-100\%$ relative humidity. Inoculation were employed at 3 different heading growth stages (heading date, three days after heading, and five days after heading). The inoculation was performed in 2 consecutive days in order to avoid escapes. The inoculated plants were maintained in the greenhouse at 4 different free moisture periods (1, 3, 5, and 7 days). The percentage of FHB severity was scored from 0 to 9 according to the rate of infected kernels per spike, and three spikes were evaluated per replication with 3 replicates. There were significant differences of FHB severity depending on the different free moisture periods, but not by the inoculation at different heading stages. The optimum evaluation point of FHB severity in the greenhouse condition was on the 7th day under free moisture condition after inoculation at the heading date. Infection level in cut-spike method highly correlated with that in pot-plant method. This suggested that cut-spike method is useful in evaluating of FHB resistance in barley. Six cultivars, such as Jinkwang, Buheung, Atahualpha 92, Chevron-b, Gobernadora-d, and MNBrite-c, were selected as resistant varieties to FHB. Correlation coefficient for the FHB severity evaluated by the pot-plant method between two seasons was 0.794, indicating the stability and accuracy of the screening method.



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