Gesture based Input Device: An All Inertial Approach

  • Chang Wook (Interaction LAB, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology) ;
  • Bang Won-Chul (Interaction LAB, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology) ;
  • Choi Eun-Seok (Interaction LAB, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology) ;
  • Yang Jing (Interaction LAB, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology) ;
  • Cho Sung-Jung (Interaction LAB, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology) ;
  • Cho Joon-Kee (Interaction LAB, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology) ;
  • Oh Jong-Koo (Interaction LAB, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology) ;
  • Kim Dong-Yoon (Interaction LAB, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology)
  • 발행 : 2005.09.01


In this paper, we develop a gesture-based input device equipped with accelerometers and gyroscopes. The sensors measure the inertial measurements, i.e., accelerations and angular velocities produced by the movement of the system when a user is inputting gestures on a plane surface or in a 3D space. The gyroscope measurements are integrated to give orientation of the device and consequently used to compensate the accelerations. The compensated accelerations are doubly integrated to yield the position of the device. With this approach, a user's gesture input trajectories can be recovered without any external sensors. Three versions of motion tracking algorithms are provided to cope with wide spectrum of applications. Then, a Bayesian network based recognition system processes the recovered trajectories to identify the gesture class. Experimental results convincingly show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed gesture input device. In order to show practical use of the proposed input method, we implemented a prototype system, which is a gesture-based remote controller (Magic Wand).



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