공학교육연구 (Journal of Engineering Education Research)
- 제8권2호
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- Pages.84-90
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- 2005
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- 1738-6454(pISSN)
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- 2713-8283(eISSN)
The cooperation of Industrial Education and Engineering Education in Japan -A look at university entrance examinations and curricula developed especially for graduates of technical high schools-
- Sato Takashi (Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University) ;
- Ohkawa Hideo (Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University) ;
- Goda Masaki (Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University) ;
- Maruyama Takeo (Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University) ;
- Hasegawa Tomiichi (Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University) ;
- Sengoku Masakazu (Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University)
- 발행 : 2005.06.01
일본의 공업고등학교 졸업생들은자신의 전공 영역에서는 충분한 기능을 보여줄 수 있을지라도 국립대학 입학을 위한 시험을 통과하기에는 어려운 실정이다. Niigata대학, Nagasaki 대학 그리고 Toyama 대학의 공학부 교수들은 대학 입학 시험을 위한 과제를 마련하기 위하여 1994년부터 공동으로 노력을 기울이고 있으며, 학생들의 교육적 배경과 필요에 부합하는 일반 교육과정을 설치하고 보충수업을 제공하고 있다. 이러한 프로젝트가 공식적으로는 1999년 종료되었지만 Niigata 대학에서 계속적으로 진행되고 있다.
While graduates of Japan's technical high schools might demonstrate skills in a given specialty, they would be hard-pressed in any attempt to pass national universities' notorious entrance examinations. In a collaborative effort begun in 1994, the faculties of engineering at Niigata, Nagasaki, and Toyama Universities set about the task of preparing entrance examinations, and a general curriculum geared to the needs and educational backgrounds of these students, offering them supplementary lessons. While the larger project officially ended in 1999, we are carrying the research forward in Niigata University.