초등학교 일반교실의 규모계획에 관한 연구

A study on the Size Planning of Unit Learning Space in Elementary School

  • 발행 : 2005.06.30


The purpose of this study is to calculate the size of unit space of the classroom in elementary school. The curriculum of Elementary school has changed since 1960. It has been reflected the architectural plan of classroom of the nationwide elementary school. However the Ministry of Education repealed the statute about the facilities of the schools on September in 1997 and the new education curriculum-the 7th curriculum-demands various activities in the classroom. So we need to another size of unit space of the classroom in elementary school because the size of unit space will affect the quality of education. This study represent that the size of unit plan is based on the size of human body, education curriculum, the number limit of classroom and teaching tools. It's generally known that a part of human body size has an invariable proportion with human's status. In this study, regression analysis is used to find out a part of the body-size of Korean. Through this analysis, status, age and weight remarkably relate with a part of human body-size. Then the size of unit plan of the classroom is calculated by the part of body-size and the type of desk arrangement.



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