A study on the Calculation of Noise Correction Coefficient on each floor for the estimation on the roadside traffic noise around the Apartment Building

도로변 공동주택의 층별 소음보정계수 산정에 관한 연구

  • Park, Young Min (Korea Environment Institute) ;
  • Lee, Ji Wang (Korea Environmental Research Center for Hydrosphere Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Ko, Jung Yong (Korea Environmental Research Center for Hydrosphere Co., Ltd.)
  • Received : 2004.12.02
  • Accepted : 2005.02.03
  • Published : 2005.02.28


Actually, prediction formula of road traffic noise for EIA(Environmental Impact Assessment) has been used that proposed by National Institute of Environmental Research in 1999. The prediction formula, however, was calculated predicted noise level according to noise level producing on first floor, then needs to correct noise level at each floor in the case of apartment building. The investigation was carried out to calculate the correction coefficient for commonly using in EIA of large scaled apartment development areas. The noised level at each floor were measured from August 2001 to March 2002 at 31 investigation points of large scaled apartment development area in national wide. Measured data were divided and treated with 4 types as 3th floor, 5th floor, 7th floor and 10th floor and then the correction coefficients of each floor were calculated using by correlation formula according to each floor.



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