Development of an Automated Negotiation System using Multi-Agent Technology

멀티에이전트 기반 자동협상시스템 개발

  • Received : 2004.09.08
  • Accepted : 2005.02.10
  • Published : 2005.03.31


The rapid expansion of the Internet-related technology has changed the current commercial transaction process. In the physical commercial transaction, most deals are accomplished through the negotiation process except a fixed price system. Thus, the negotiation is essential to conclude the business transactions. Especially, under the e-commerce environment, an automated negotiation system is necessary to respond quickly and flexibly to the diverse environmental changes and also to perform negotiations consistently and effectively. To this end, we develop an automated negotiation system using multi-agent technology. This new system includes such functions as creating negotiation proposals automatically, evaluating the counterpart’ proposals, and preparing counter offers.



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