직장보육 관련법의 변화과정 및 직장보육서비스의 개선방안

A Study on the Process to Amend Laws Concerning Employer-Supported Child Care and the Improvement of Its Service

  • 김지현 (서울대학교 아동가족학과)
  • Kim, Ji-Hyun (Dept. of Child Development & Family Studies, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.30


This study analyzes the amendment history of Educare Law of Infants and Children, the Equal Employment Opportunity Law, and Employment Insurance Law, and also examines the present status of the employer-supported child care service through secondary analysis of other policy studies. The three laws concerning employer-supported child care can be said to hold in itself two main concepts: employers' obligations to provide child care, and government's financial support and administrative management. In terms of the first concept, laws have been amended to enlarge the number of enterprises legally-responsible for child care service and to relieve the financial burden from them. In terms of the second, laws have been amended to gradually extend the magnitude of government's financial support and to establish the systematic administrative management. Approximately a half of the policy target enterprises, however, is not complying the laws. In addition, employer-supported child care centers are only occupying less than 1% of the whole child care market. Thus, this study evaluates the current employer-supported child care service system and suggests several principles for its improvement.
