A Study on Design and Practical Use of Multi-purpose Auditorium with Priority given to Variable Application in Educational Facility

다목적강당의 계획과 활용에 관한 연구 - 가변성 적용을 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2005.11.30


The purpose of the study is to propose architectural design standards of the Multi-purpose Auditorium planning in educational facilities. The success of the design is measured by how well variable elements are applied to parts of Multi-purpose Auditorium and designed and equipped so that all groups-amateurs, professionals, youth, and adult alike-may use it effectively. The use of this facility will extend over a wide range, including concerts, plays, motion pictures, forums, and other forms of presentation. The wall, stage, roof, windows, and furnitures are important parts of Multi-purpose Auditorium and variable elements can applied to these parts. To successfully application of variable elements, it is necessary that these elements are considered in planning phase including time schedule planning. Various elements are permit a more informal and flexible arrangement and extensive learning activity.



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