Critical Success Factors for Integration of Knowledge Management and e-Learning from LG Electronics Company's Experiences

지식경영과 e러닝 통합의 성공요인에 대한 연구 - LG전자 사례를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2005.01.13
  • Accepted : 2005.04.11
  • Published : 2005.06.01


The LG Electronics case shows the process whereby an organization evolves as a learning organization through the integration of e-learning and knowledge management. In other words, it shows the process whereby e-learning is recognized as an important means of solving a problem concerning actual worksite operations, as it became one of the daily activities in the organization. In terms of organizational learning, this process points to the fact that e-learning is emerging as the fastest and most effective means of transferring the internally shared value of a company. Recently, advanced corporations and organizations have been endeavoring to boost their internal and external customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, paving the way for changes in their organizational cultures, and establishing learning organizations through e-learning. Therefore, from an advanced viewpoint, e-learning within a company is not a simple system of transferring educational contents, but is a knowledge portal concept connected with knowledge management. To achieve this end, the organization is required to undergo changes that is, it should make the acquisition of learning possible through e-learning and a knowledge management system (KMS) in order to improve corporate performance. Since LG Electronics is utilizing e-learning as a strategic means to change the paradigm of corporate education, and, in particular, is attempting to integrate this with knowledge management, insights that will facilitate the understanding of the core success factors in and challenges to the integration of knowledge management and e-learning can be obtained through this case.
