Improvements Resulting from Policy Changes in Recycling Food Wastes

음식물류폐기물의 자원화정책 변화에 따른 개선효과

  • Ahn, Sang-Seon (General Affairs Division, Environmental Training Department, National Institute of Environmental Research)
  • 안상선 (국립환경연구원 환경연수부 학사과)
  • Received : 2005.04.11
  • Accepted : 2005.05.24
  • Published : 2005.06.30


After the introduction of Volume-based Waste Fee System for municipal wastes, the disposal of food wastes became an issue an issue in society. Concerted efforts among government agencies have been made to manage food wastes separately from municipal wastes. For example, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare established the '5-year('98-'02) Basic Plan for Recycling Food Wastes' in September 1998. Also changes in the waste disposal system has been sought, aiming at the Resource-circulating Society.

생활폐기물 종량제 도입에 따라 음식물류폐기물 처리가 점차 사회적 문제로 대두되면서 '98년 9월에 3개 부처(환경부, 농림부, 보건복지부)공동으로 '음식물쓰레기 5개년 자원화 기본계획'을 수립하는 등 폐기물 처리체계와 구별하여 음식물류폐기물 관리체계를 확립하고 자원 순환형 관리구조로 변화를 모색하게 되었다.
