하악 구치부에서 임플랜트 배열방식에 따른 임플랜트지지 고정성 국소의치의 광탄성 응력 분석


  • 조혜원 (원광대학교 치과대학 보철학교실) ;
  • 김난영 (원광대학교 치과대학 보철학교실) ;
  • 김유리 (원광대학교 치과대학 보철학교실)
  • Cho Hye-Won (Dept. of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Kim Nan-Young (Dept. of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Kim Yu-Lee (Dept. of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 2005.02.01


Statement of problem. More than 70% of patients who need the implant supported restoration are parially edentulous. The principles of design for implant supported fixed partial denture in mandibular posterior region are many and varied. Jurisdiction for their use is usually based on clinical evaluation. There are several areas or interest regarding the design of implant supported fixed partial denture in mandibular posterior region. 1) Straight and tripod configuration in implant placement, 2) Two restoration types such as individualized and splinted restorations. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to compare the amount and distribution of stress around the implant fixtures placed in the mandibular posterior region with two different arrangements and to evaluate the effects of splinting using the photoelastic stress analysis. Material & methods. 1) Production of study model: Mandibular partially edentulous model was waxed-up and duplicated with silicone and two models were poured in stone. 2) Fixture installation and photoelastic model construction: Using surveyor(Ney, USh), 3 fixtures(two 4.0 $\times$13 mm, one 5.0$\times$10 mm, Lifecore, USA) were insta)led in straight & tripod configurations. Silicone molds were made and poured in photoelastic resin (PL-2. Measurements group, USA). 3) Prostheses construction: Four 3-unit bridges (Type III gold alloy, Dongmyung co., Korea) were produced with nonhexed and hexed UCLA abutments and fitted with conventional methods. The abutments were tightened with 30 Ncm torque and the static loads were applied at 12 points of the occlusal surface. 4) Photoelastic stress analysis : The polarizer analyzer system with digital camera(S-2 Pro, Fujifilm, Japan) was used to take the photoelastic fringes and analysed using computer analysis program. Results. Solitary hexed UCLA restoration developed different stress patterns between two implant arrangement configurations, but there were no stress transfer to adjacent implants from the loaded implant in both configurations. However splinted restorations showed lesser amount of stresses in the loaded implants and showed stress transfer to adjacent implants in both configurations. Solitary hexed UCLA restoration with tripod configuration developed higher stresses in anterior and middle implants under loading than implants with straight configurations. Splintied 3 unit fixed partial dentures with tripod configuration showed higher stress development in posterior implant under loading but there were no obvious differences between two configurations. Conclusions. The tripod configuration of implant arrangement didn't show any advantages over the straight configuration. Splinting of 3 unit bridges with nonhexed UCLA abutments showed less stress development around the fixtures. Solitary hexed UCLA restoration developed tilting of implant fixture under offset loads.



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