Radiologic Findings of Cervical Mass Type Cervical Pregnancy

자궁경부 종괴형 자궁경부임신의 영상 소견

  • Cho, Jae-Ho (Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University)
  • 조재호 (영남대학교 의과대학 진단방사선과학교실)
  • Published : 2005.06.30


Background: To examine the ultrasonographic and magnetic resonance (MRI) imaging findings of a cervical mass type cervical pregnancy. Materials and Methods: The ultrasonographic and MRI findings of 5 patients pathologically confirmed as having a cervical pregnancy were analyzed retrospectively. On ultrasonography, the size and echo pattern of the uterine cervix, the shape and echo pattern of the lesion, the degree and the pattern of blood flow on the color Doppler study and the spectral Doppler pattern were analyzed. The shape, signal intensity, and degree and pattern of enhancement of the lesion were evaluated on MRI. Results: The uterine cervix was enlarged and the size of the lesion was 6.1 to 7.1 (average, 6.5) cm. The endocervical canal was irregularly dilated and showed heterogeneous echogenicity in all 5 cases. Four of the 5 lesions were heterogeneously hyper- or mixed echoic and remaining one was relatively homogeneous echogenic. Doppler ultrasonography revealed an increased vascularity of the peritrophoblastic flow pattern. In all 4 cases where MRI performed, the lesion was irregular in shape and the margin was not sharply demarcated. The T2-weighed image showed that the lesions were mixed signal intensity. Three of the 4 lesions contained high signal intensity nodular portions and a low signal intensity rim was observed along the margin of the nodular portions. The T1-weighted image revealed multiple signal voids along the periphery of the lesions and high signal intensity portions as a result of hemorrhage were noted. The dynamic enhanced study showed that the high signal intensity portions on the T2-weighted image were strongly enhanced similar to the vessels on the early phase and the contrast enhancement gradually decreased with time. Conclusion: A cervical mass type cervical pregnancy can be correctly diagnosed using the patient's clinical symptom, the elevation in the serum ${\beta}$-HCG level, and characteristic ultrasonographic and MRI findings.

자궁경부 종괴형 자궁경부임신은 빠른 진단과 치료를 요하는 산과적 응급 상황으로 특징적인 초음파 및 MRI 소견을 정확하게 숙지하고 있어야 한다. 특징적인 초음파 소견으로는 혈중 ${\beta}$-HCG 수치가 상승되어 있는 환자에서 자궁경부의 확장, 심하게 불균일한 종괴, 색도플러 검사에서 강한 혈류, 영양막주위 혈류 양상 등이 있다. 특징적인 MRI 소견으로는 자궁경부의 종대, T2-강조영상에서 심하게 불균일한 혼합 신호강도, 가장자리의 저신호강도의 띠, 조기에 강하게 조영증강되는 결절성 부분 등이 있다.
