견직물에 부착한 지용성 오구 및 고형 오구의 제거

Removal of Oily and Particulate Soils from Silk Fabrics

  • Lee, Jeong-Sook (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 투고 : 2005.11.04
  • 발행 : 2005.12.31


This study was carried out to investigate on the removal of oily and particulate soils from silk fabrics. Various kinds of solvents were used on the removal of two kinds of soils treated into the silk fabrics. The removal of oily soil was analyzed by liquid scintillation counting method, and the removal of oil and carbon particulate mixed soils was evaluated by measuring of reflectance on the surface of soiled fabrics with/without drysoap in solvent washing by Terg-o-tometer. The surfaces of fabrics were also observed by SEM before and after washing. The results obtained were as follows : oily soils were removed efficiently by various kinds of solvents regardless of kinds of silk fabrics in short washing time. The removal effect of solvents from the soiled silk fabrics were high in the order of isopropyl alcohol>trichloroethane>monochlorobenzene>ethylether>perchloroethylene. Oil and carbon particulate mixed soils could be efficiently removed by adding of drysoap in solvent washing. The removal of mixed soils were increased drastically with rinsing and increased drysoap. The removal of soils was more efficiently removed from degummed silk fabrics than from the raw silk fabrics.



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