The Effect of Imported Silver Goods on the Chosun Society among Chosun-Japan Trading Clothes Goods

조·일간의 복식 교역품 중 은수입품이 조선사회에 미친 영향

  • Lee, Ja-Yeon (Major in Fashion Design & Industry, Silla University)
  • 이자연 (신라대학교 패션디자인산업전공)
  • Received : 2005.01.10
  • Published : 2005.06.30


This study focuses on the imported silver goods from Japan and investigates the backgrounds of importing, trade items, and the amount of the exchange. This study also investigates the effects of the importing silver on Chosun society. A large amount of silver was imported from Japan and the amount of imported silver reached its maximum in Chosun Dynasty. Japan, on the other hand, imported a large quantity of cotton cloth from Chosun Dynasty. Silver was imported mainly because of the sumptuous moods among the royal family and the aristocracy. The moods were spread out to general people who made them wish for the luxurious and expensive chinese goods. To buy the luxurious goods, a lot of silver was imported from Japan. Importing a large quantity of silver fostered the sumptuous moods and also caused the price increase in the Chosun society. The order of the society became worse because of the individual trades of rich merchants who were closely connected to high officials.



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